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Counselling & Psychotherapy

What is Counselling/Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is performed in Ontario by a variety of mental health and medical professionals. The terms psychotherapist and counsellor are often used interchangeably, but they both employ “talk therapy.” The goal of therapy is to establish a rapport and create a strong and trusting therapeutic relationship that allows the therapist and the client to co-construct therapeutic goals to meet outcomes based on the client's specific needs. As a therapist, my goal is to help you to improve your quality of life, your interpersonal relationships relationships, family dynamics, and work satisfaction.  Emotional support, problem solving, understanding family of origin issues, and stress reduction are often part of the psychotherapy process. I support clients as they work through these types of concerns with the goal of enhancing their lives, making meaning from losses or life challenges, and improving their well-being. 


Registered Psychotherapists (RP) have an undergraduate degree and a minimum of two years post-graduate education at the Master's level.  Some like myself may have a PhD. RPs are certified by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and you can find out more about psychotherapy here. As a registered psychotherapist I provide brief or long term counselling and psychotherapy to individuals. I am trained in a variety of theories, models, and approaches and practice in a culturally sensitive and ethical way. I provide therapeutic interventions based on the most research that are specifically tailored to each individual.  I use a client-centred model and practice from a bio-psycho-social-spiritual perspective, thus, I consider your biological, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and social contexts. Currently, psychotherapy is not covered by OHIP, however, many employers and academic institutions provide health benefits that often cover seeing a psychotherapist. Please check your insurance coverage to confirm you are approved to see a registered psychotherapist.

But Why Seek Psychotherapy or Counselling?

Some of the most common reasons people seek individual therapy and counselling are:

  • Self-esteem, Confidence, and Feelings of Inadequacy

  • Depression, Anxiety, Feelings of Sadness, and Emptiness

  • Guilt or Shame

  • Stress Reduction and Management

  • Relationship Challenges (partner, family, children, friends)

  • Life Transitions

  • Identity Exploration (including Gender, LGBTQ2S+,

       and cultural identity)

  • The Impact of Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress

  • Overthinking Patterns, Feelings of Being Overwhelmed,

      and Difficulty Making Decisions

Sad on Couch
  • Feelings of Grief and/or Loss

  • Body Image Concerns and Regulated Eating Patterns

  • Emotional Regulation and Coping Strategies

  • Social Anxiety

  • Spirituality and Meaning-Making Issues

  • Challenges of Parenthood and Caring for Aging Parents

  • Relationships and Couple Therapy

  • Professional and/or Workplace challenges and work life balance

  • Exploring Early Childhood Patterns and Other Difficulties That Effect Everyday Life

  • Addiction and Compulsive Behaviours



In 2010, Johnathon Leher wrote an article basically looking at the Upside of Depression. What? there is something good about depression? Well, yes and no.  Of course, the symptoms of depression can be completely disabling and cause so much suffering, but many researchers argue that depression is actually adaptive. From an evolutionary point of view, removing oneself from an aversive environment can be life-saving in the wild. The fight, flight, or freeze mechanism that is meant to keep us safe is adaptive. Fleeing or Freezing keeps us alive. But when we as humans need to pull away from society, withdraw, or be alone, when we are sad, suffering emotionally, or need a break from stress, it is noted as the signs of depression. But often depression is really our body saying we just can't keep doing life the way we have been doing it. The mind and body become so overwhelmed, that sadness, sleep or eating changes, and depressed mood ensues. Moreover, depression might often come after weeks, months, or years of not listening to ourselves, not looking after our own needs, and dismissing our gut feelings or need for self-care. Of course, biology, interpersonal relationships, work stress, culture, racism, and many other factors play into the causes of depression.

In my work with you, our focus will be on how depression, as an adaptation, has forced you to really look at what you need and want in your life. It comes with very difficult symptoms that we can support you with while we collaborate to find what is meaningful for you in your life, or what was meaningful, that has been lost. Working through family of origin or recent traumas, betrayals, grief and loss, or societal, life, relationship, or work stressors can help alleviate suffering. These stressors can play a key role in triggering depression, the need to withdraw, and, therefore, the need to care for yourself. We are here to help, You don't have to do this Alone!

Grief, Loss, & Bereavement

Grief can be experienced as a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, confusion, and loneliness. Physical symptoms also appear such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and changes in appetite. Grief can be experienced in waves, with periods of intense emotion followed by periods of numbness or detachment. It is important to remember that grief is a normal and necessary part of the healing process and that it is important to allow yourself to experience and express your grief in whatever way feels right for you. Below are the many kinds of losses people may through:


  • Relationship Losses: breakups, divorces, separation, death of a pet, death of a loved one.

  • Traumatic Losses: sudden and violent deaths due to suicide, accidents, illness, or homicide.

  • Unacknowledged Losses: abortions & miscarriages, loss of a job, a home, life dream.

  • Supporting someone who has or is considering going through the MAID process.

Traumatic and Sudden Losses

Complicated grief can result from traumatic loss such as when someone or something you care for is taken away from you suddenly, violently, or inexplicably. This can include sudden death by illness, suicide, accident, or homicide – particularly if the death was painful or violent. We can help you work through these distressing experiences, make sense of your loss, and regain a sense of hope and peace of mind again.


Feelings associated with grief include:

  • Prolonged sadness, anger, and irritability

  • Difficulty focusing on daily activities (e.g., work, family, self-care).

  • Intrusive and distressing flashbacks or nightmares of the person you lost.

  • Feelings of numbness or detachment from yourself and other people.

  • Loss of meaning or hope in one’s own life (“What’s the point…).

  • Guilt and responsibility (” I should have been there…”).

  • Problems acknowledging and accepting the reality that a person is not returning.

  • Questioning your Faith or Spirituality


But know what you are feeling is "normal" - these are the signs of grieving and loss. Regardless of the kind of loss you’re facing, we can help guide you through what is called the Tasks of Mourning.

  • Identify, acknowledge, and understand your loss.

  • Help you acknowledge and express your grief.

  • Help you come to terms with and rebuild your life after loss.

  • Find ways to remember and honour who or what was lost.

  • Realize everyone grieves differently and there is no timeline for loss or grief.

Over the past 18 years I have worked with clients from all walks of life who have wanted support with these types of concerns. I look forward to helping you.
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